Allow Me to Introduce....
Front Door Organics.
I love them.
I must admit that I was skeptical about whether I would notice a difference in taste and freshness. I was worried that the cost would be high and the produce wouldn't be plentiful.
Silly me.
Every week for $35 they provide a huge Rubbermaid bin of local, fresh, seasonal food. And the taste? Oh my. There's a palpable difference, guys. Fruit and veg that is ripened properly tastes much more intense than the stuff we are used to in the supermarkets. I should add that I have an almost non-functional nose. Practically, what that means is that my palate isn't sensitive at all and so I generally require really strong flavours. I don't notice subtleties. Thing is, I really noticed a difference in flavour. Carrots taste like they've just been been picked out of the ground, the celery is green ( really green... like a golf club lawn) and has real flavour... it's not white and bland. Cooking has become simpler, less preparation necessary, since you can rely on the natural flavour of the food.
Thanks to FDO we are also trying lots of new stuff. Since it's based on what is available locally and seasonally you get new wonderful things all the time. I made Edamame for the first time this past week. Turns out, it's fabulous and easy to prepare and chock full of nutritional goodness. And those lovely folks at FDO provide you with recipes every week, if you're in doubt as to how to prepare something new.
Just in case you're thinking 'I hate Edamame... that would be a waste for me....' I should add that they have a Preferences List that lets you tell the company what foods you love and what you hate... they'll never send the dreaded items and they'll replace them with ones you love. Even my mother wasn't that thoughtful at dinnertime.
And as if that weren't enough, the people who actually deliver to your door make an effort to connect with you... Our delivery person, Neal, has a fabulous smile and always says hello.
I know I sound like an informercial, sorry, but I'm excited. Companies that live up to their promises and go beyond my expectations are very, very rare. So when I find one, I wanna share the love.
I love these people. Check'em out: