We're into cold and flu season, people! So a few tips on how to stay healthy that I'm sure you know but that always bear repeating:
1. Get thee to your family doctor or neighbourhood clinic for a flu shot! It's free and it potentially spares you or anyone you know from getting certain strains of Influenza!
2. Pretend you are Lady Macbeth. (No... don't hurt anyone in their sleep!) but DO WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY AND THOROUGHLY!
3. Stand 1 metre apart from people when you are sick! Any droplet based disease can't travel that far.
4. Cough or sneeze into a hanky if you have one ( and then see rule #2) but if you don't have a hanky handy, cough or sneeze into your sleeve. That way you don't transfer germs when you shake hands or handle supplies.
Have a healthy winter and check out this site if you need more info!