Now's the time to really start purging your belongings if you didn't have a chance to do it before the holidays.
All those new things that you acquired at Christmas now need a home. So. Let's start with a couple decision helpers.
1. If you received a lovely new item to replace an old one. Replace the old one. THROW THE OLD ONE OUT. ( Or donate it... but get it out of your space!.) Eg. New jeans with no holes replacing old with holes. New socks? Get rid of the mangier ones that currently reside in your drawer.
2. If you now have multiples of an item. Pick one ( maybe two... but no more than that!). Have three new pairs of mittens? Which ones really tickle your fancy? Which ones will you USE ?
3. Really look at the space that a functional item takes up. Let the space allowable for that item determine how many things you can keep. For example, new kitchen utensils like spatulas etc. Where are they being stored right now? Is that drawer or basket full? If yes, what things can go to make room for the new utensils. DO NOT BUY ANOTHER STORAGE UNIT!!! PURGE FROM THE OLD ONE!
For more information, or for individual help... leave me a question on the blog!
Happy Uncluttered Closets Everyone!